Sedlecký Kaolin
since 1892

We are a leading international kaolin producer, its high quality has been setting the standard since 1924. We process it with the most modern technologies and obtain other raw materials such as bentonite, clay or sandstone.

We emphasise innovation, which is why we cooperate with recognized research capacities in the field. That's why we are among the best. Behind our success is also the nature protection in the Karlovy Vary region and its reclamation. We are an attractive and stable employer for the inhabitants of this region.

  • Environment
  • Global representation
  • The highest quality

Quarries and mining

We mine Sedlec Ia kaolin in the unique deposits of the Karlovy Vary region. It belongs to the highest quality raw materials and thus serves as an international quality indicator. Thanks to this first-class raw material and the constant innovation of our technologies, we as a company have become a leader in our field.

Own CZ and
SK deposits

Modern production

Thanks to technological know-how and modern procedures, we bring first-class products to the market. When processing kaolin, we mainly use natural resources. We use water to perform the process of washing and dewatering. We achieve its high whiteness by magnetic separation. We further process fine-grained kaolin by thickening, pressing, drying and grinding.

  • 1. Washing
  • 2. Magnetic separation
  • 3. Dewatering
  • 4. Grinding and drying
  • 5. Storage

Research and laboratories

Innovation is an important part of our work. We cooperate with leading universities and research institutes. Thanks to this, we are constantly developing new technologies and procedures. We verify the highest quality standards of our products by regular tests in our laboratories.


Logistics and shipping

We supply most of the kaolin in the form of lumps. We transform them into powdered kaolin by grinding and drying. We ship unpackaged kaolin in batches of 20 to 50 tons on wagons and trucks. Part of it is supplied in big bags weighing from 500 to 1200 kg. For smaller consumers, we prepare kaolin in paper bags weighing 25 to 45 kg.

  • Deliveries weighing 25 kg to 50 tons
  • Expedition on pallets and wagons

Frequently Asked Questions

    How does mining take into account the environment and the landscape?
    The extraction of minerals undoubtedly means an intervention of the environment. In order to mitigate the impact, we assess the mining plan from several points of view, which are regulated by Act No. 100/2001 Coll. We evaluate the impact of mining on the population, air and climate, surface and groundwater, and soil. We are also concerned with the impact on fauna, flora and ecosystems, as well as public health, tangible assets and cultural monuments. Only after the assessment of all of these effects are measured, are the conditions under which mining can be carried out determined. Upon completion of this process (EIA), a mining plan is prepared, which is the basis for issuing a mining permit. If the mining company plans to remove agricultural land or forest land due to logging, it is necessary to prepare a Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Reclamation Plan. This approved plan ensures that the consequences of mining activities are eliminated.
    Wildlife and protected plants in the area
    Before the very beginning of mining, experts in the biological evaluation of the landscape assess what species of plants and animals live in the place. At the same time, they pay special attention to protected and endangered species in accordance with Implementing Decree No. 395/1992 Coll. to Act No. 114/1992 Coll. These protected plants and animals must be moved to alternative plantings and nesting sites before mining. Soil removal and tree felling are carried out outside the growing season and the nesting period of the birds. From the beginning of mining until the reclamation of the landscape, professional supervision according to Act No. 114/1992 Coll. oversees vegetation and flora and focuses mainly on specially protected species of plants and animals and the state of their habitats.
    How does society contribute to the subsequent protection of nature?
    After the end of mining, our work does not end. We re-cultivate the excavated space according to the approved remediation and reclamation plan. It is based on local conditions, type of land, method of mining, zoning plan, etc. Thanks to reclamation, new areas are created, most often intended for agricultural and forest use. Some will also become part of the territorial system of ecological stability. As part of reclamation, we also create water areas that are used to retain water within the landscape.
    Geological measurements and groundwater studies
    Part of each geological survey is the evaluation of hydrogeological conditions. From its results a hydrogeological study is created and the conditions for quarry operation and mine water management are determined. The water authority and the watercourse administrator determine the conditions under which mine water can be discharged into surface waters. An expert in the field of hydrogeology monitors groundwater and surface water levels and takes samples of mine water. These are then evaluated by an accredited laboratory. The results can be found in the annual report.

First-class raw material for first-class products


Use in various fields

Rubber industry
Paper industry

Number of employees in the plants
Number of plants in the Czech Republic
Plant in the Slovakia


Thun 1794 a.s

We are the exclusive supplier of kaolin for a Czech porcelain manufacturer which focuses on hotel porcelain, a special cooking program, porcelain for children, and custom goods for large international chains. The distinctive design and top quality is based on more than 220 years of tradition in the production of porcelain in the Czech Republic.